Install Terraform on your machine If you are on Windows, use Chocolatey to install Terraform via the following CLI command.
Once Terraform is installed, make sure that you machine is configured to authenticate into AWS. Please refer to this article. With that done, you are good to go!
If you are deploying the FSH .NET Starter Kit
for the first time, navigate to ./terraform/boostrap
and run the following commands,
This will provision the required backend resources on AWS that terraform would need in the next steps. Basics this will create an Amazon S3 Bucket, and DynamoDB Table.
Navigate to ./environments/dev/
and run the following.
This will deploy the following,
- ECS Clusters and Tasks. (.NET Web API & Blazor)
- RDS PostgreSQL Database Instance.
- Required Networking Components like VPC, ALB etc.
Once you are done with your testing, ensure that you delete the resources to keep your bill under control.